Deliverable 2.1:
Dataset of fiscal variables: Autumn 2017 forecast update [2017-11-22]
Note: Autumn 2013 vintage corrected
Updated list of variables [2017-11-22]
More information about the data and variables can be found on the European Commission’s AMECO webpage.
Historical vintages for IMF’s World Economic Outlook database and OECD’s Economic Outlook Database are available here:
If you have questions about the dataset of fiscal variables, please contact Tero Kuusi.
The dataset is also available at the Zenodo repository.
Old versions of the dataset:
A dataset of fiscal variables [Version 2015-08-10]
The list of variables is downloadable here [version 2015-08-10]
New version of the dataset of fiscal variables [2016-10-05]
Updated list of variables [2016-10-05]
Dataset of fiscal variables: Autumn 2016 forecast update [2017-01-19]
Updated list of variables [2017-01-19]
Dataset of fiscal variables: Spring 2017 forecast update [2017-05-22]
Note: Autumn 2013 vintage corrected (2014spr->2013aut)
Updated list of variables [2017-05-22]
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