
Research Deliverables

Research deliverables by the end of the project (February 28, 2018):

D1.7 Summary report of the FIRSTRUN project (CEPS)

D6.6: Should rules continue to rule? (LSE)

D6.7: Rethinking the governance of economic and monetary union: should rules continue to rule? (LSE)

D2.6: Enhancing credibility and commitment to fiscal rules (CASE)


Research deliverables by December 2017:

D3.5: Medium-run impacts of cross-country transfers through a European Union central budget: a general equilibrium evaluation (IHS)

D4.8: Implementing macroprudential policy in NiGEM (NIESR)


Research deliverables by September 2017:

D2.7: Output gap uncertainty and the optimal fiscal policy in the EU (ETLA)

D5.2: Formulating and evaluating long-term fiscal rules based on the Medium-Term Budgetary Objective (ETLA)

D5.3: Population aging, pensions and cross-country spillovers in currency unions (IHS)


Research deliverables by May 2017:

D1.4: Endogenous Asymmetric Shocks in the Eurozone: the Role of Animal Spirits (CEPS)

D1.5: International financial markets and shock absorption in the euro area (CEPS)

D2.4: Revisions of the cyclically adjusted budget balance (CEPS)

D2.5: Analysing the Relevance and Predictive Power of the MIP Scoreboard’s Indicators (IER SAS)

D3.3: Fiscal risk-sharing in response to shocks: New lessons for the euro area from the US (CEPS)

D3.4: Towards an EU budget with an effective stabilisation function (CEPS)

D4.4: Government Debt Deleveraging in the EMU (LUISS)

D4.6: A description of the macroprudential policy block of the NiGEM model (NIESR)

D6.4: Fiscal and other rules in EU economic governance: helpful, largely irrelevant or unenforceable? (LSE)

D6.5: Fiscal rules and other rule-based mechanisms in practice: introduction to case studies of four Member States (LSE, LUISS, CASE, IER SAS)


Research deliverables by September 2016:

D1.3: Measuring fiscal spillovers in EMU and beyond: A Global VAR approach (CEPS)

D1.6: Cross-Country Long-Run Spillover Effects and Coordination of Fiscal Policy: a Quantitative Exploration for Europe (IHS)

D3.2: One EMU Fiscal Policy for the EURO (LUISS)

D4.3: The monetary and fiscal framework of the EMU in times of high debt and constrained interest rates (NIESR)

D4.7: Macroprudential tools, transmission and modelling (NIESR)


Research deliverables by July 2016:

D2.3: Quantifying fiscal multipliers (NIESR)

D4.2: The interaction between fiscal and monetary policy – before and after the financial crisis (CEPS)

D6.2: Fiscal rules in the Member States: principles, practice and implementation (LSE)

D6.3: Policy Brief: Are fiscal rules an effective and suitable means of ensuring fiscal sustainability? (LSE)


Research deliverables by March 2016:

D1.2: Fiscal policy spillovers (NIESR)

D2.2: Does the structural budget balance guide fiscal policy pro-cyclically? Evidence from the Finnish Great Depression of the 1990s (ETLA)

D3.1: A Fiscal Union for Europe: State of play of the debate and proposals (CEPS)

D4.1: Is fiscal policy pro-cyclical in bad times? (CEPS)

D4.5: The fiscal and monetary determinants of sovereign bond yields in the Euro Area (NIESR)

D5.1: Modelling the uncertainty in future demographics, productivity, asset yields and structural deficits for fiscal policy analysis with the FOG model (ETLA)


Research deliverables by the end of 2015:

D6.1: The European Expenditory State: an emerging mode of economic governance? (LSE)

D1.1: Cross-Country Spillover Effects and Fiscal Policy Coordination in EMU (CEPS)



Other Deliverables

D2.1: A dataset of fiscal variables

D7.1: Website and Twitter account

D7.2: 1st lunch-time seminar

D7.3: 1st Stakeholder forum

D7.4: 2nd lunch-time seminar

D7.5: 2nd Stakeholder forum

D7.6 3rd lunch-time seminar

D7.7: Final conference

D8.1: Data Management Plan

D8.2: Progress report

D8.3: Ethical approvals (confidential)