Author Archives: Pekka Vanhala

New discussion paper on international correlation of business cycles

A new discussion paper by Paul De Grauwe and Yuemei Ji on international correlation of business cycles has been published by the Centre for Economic Policy Research:

Also see their column “Synchronisation in business cycles: An endogenous explanation” at VoxEU:

House of Lords committee report published

The House of Lords European Union Committee has produced a report on the Five Presidents’ Report. Iain Begg acted as a Specialist Adviser to the committee.

House of Lords (2016), ‘Whatever it takes’: the Five Presidents’ Report on completing Economic and Monetary Union. House of Lords European Union Committee, 13th Report of Session 2015–16, HL Paper 143. [Text] [Pdf]

House of Lords EU Select Committee


Also see:

House of Commons (2016), Implications of the referendum on EU membership for the UK’s role in the world. House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, Fifth Report of Session 2015–16, HC 545. [pdf]


A CeLEG Working Paper “One EMU Fiscal Policy for the EURO” published

A preliminary version of LUISS’s deliverable on fiscal policy coordination has been published as a CeLEG Working Paper. It will be reviewed and updated before delivering the final version for the FIRSTRUN project at the end of August 2016.

Alexandre Lucas Cole, Chiara Guerello and Guido Traficante (2016). One EMU Fiscal Policy for the EURO. CeLEG Working Paper Series No. 02/16.

The authors welcome comments and feedback:
Alexandre Lucas Cole:
Chiara Guerello:
Guido Traficante:

New research deliverables published

The following research deliverables have been published March 1, 2016:

D1.2: Fiscal policy spillovers (NIESR)

D2.2: Does the structural budget balance guide fiscal policy pro-cyclically? Evidence from the Finnish Great Depression of the 1990s (ETLA)

D3.1: A Fiscal Union for Europe: State of play of the debate and proposals (CEPS)

D4.1: Is fiscal policy pro-cyclical in bad times? (CEPS)

D4.5: The fiscal and monetary determinants of sovereign bond yields in the Euro Area (NIESR)

D5.1: Modelling the uncertainty in future demographics, productivity, asset yields and structural deficits for fiscal policy analysis with the FOG model (ETLA)


All deliverables are available here


Iain Begg, Annette Bongardt, Kalypso Nicolaidis and Francisco Torres on EMU and sustainable integration

This paper considers what will be required to make Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) sustainable following the successive crises of recent years. It starts by laying out the policy benchmark, namely the successive ‘President Reports’ produced by EU institutions. It then suggests three dimensions of sustainable integration relevant to EMU, namely the pursuit of sustainable growth, the need to take into account what we call ‘varieties of modernisation’ and the ‘ownership’ of democratically sustainable reforms. It then evaluates the recasting of EMU governance against the benchmark of sustainable integration.

Iain Begg, Annette Bongardt, Kalypso Nicolaidis & Francisco Torres (2015), EMU and Sustainable Integration. Journal of European Integration, Volume 37, Issue 7, 2015, pages 803-816.