Category Archives: Deliverables

New research deliverables published

The following research deliverables have been published March 1, 2016:

D1.2: Fiscal policy spillovers (NIESR)

D2.2: Does the structural budget balance guide fiscal policy pro-cyclically? Evidence from the Finnish Great Depression of the 1990s (ETLA)

D3.1: A Fiscal Union for Europe: State of play of the debate and proposals (CEPS)

D4.1: Is fiscal policy pro-cyclical in bad times? (CEPS)

D4.5: The fiscal and monetary determinants of sovereign bond yields in the Euro Area (NIESR)

D5.1: Modelling the uncertainty in future demographics, productivity, asset yields and structural deficits for fiscal policy analysis with the FOG model (ETLA)


All deliverables are available here