
On this page you’ll find blogs, articles and links etc. related to the FIRSTRUN topics.

Bachtler J, Begg I. (2018), Beyond Brexit: Reshaping policies for regional development in Europe. Pap Reg Sci. 2018;1–20.

Tero Kuusi’s article on structural uncertainty and fiscal policy in Talous & Yhteiskunta (Economy & Society, in Finnish)

Iain Begg: The Post-Brexit EU budget: opportunity or more messy politics?

Iain Begg: The EU budget after 2020.

Tero Kuusi: Finding the Bottom Line: A Quantitative Model of the EU’s Fiscal Rules and their Compliance

Iain Begg: Reflecting on the dosh

Iain Begg: Reflecting on how to run EMU more effectively

Iain Begg: Spreadsheet Phil no more?

Valentina Milano & Pietro Reichlin: Risk sharing across the US and Eurozone: The role of public institutions. VoxEU column, 23 January 2017.

Iain Begg: Eurozone economic governance in disarray?

EMU Forum 2016 – Completing Economic and Monetary Union

House of Lords (2016), ‘Whatever it takes’: the Five Presidents’ Report on completing Economic and Monetary Union. House of Lords European Union Committee, 13th Report of Session 2015–16, HL Paper 143. [Text] [Pdf]

National fiscal councils: Learning from (recent) experiences (Lars Jonung, ECB Conference on Fiscal Councils, 27 Jan 2016)

Deepening EU economic governance: the next steps
The UK in a Changing Europe, 29 October 2015

Evolution of EU economic governance
The UK in a Changing Europe, 26 October 2015

Rumours of the euro’s likely demise are greatly exaggerated
People’s Daily Online, August 13, 2015

If Greece leaves the euro and melts down, who would really care?
CNN, June 25, 2015

How is the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council Performing? An Independent Evaluation of the First Years of IFAC. Lars Jonung (chair), Iain Begg and Michael G Tutty, June 2015